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Love Tarot Reading

Love tarot readings are an incredibly popular way of using tarot cards for an insight in your love life. After all, how many times have you gone to a fair and seen a tarot reader or psychic who promises to give you advice on your love life? Let the love tarot cards predict the future of your relationship and show you how you can adapt and grow together. Tarot cards can be some of the most defined and detailed glimpses into your love life that you might not have even been aware of. If you're in a new relationship, tarot cards can be one of the best ways to discover the chances of success that you and your new lover may have.

If you're looking into a new relationship and going to consult a tarot reader for advice, request a spread for a new relationship. Below is an example of a spread often used in new relationship readings. Love tarot readings bring a great deal of information and peace of mind to both parties in the relationship.

Love Tarot Card 1

This card, placed in the upper-left corner of the layout, asks what you, the person asking the question, is bringing to the relationship. This card will show you what you contribute, such as if you are the strength card, bringing the mental and emotional strength to the relationship.

Love Tarot Card 2

This card, placed in the upper-right corner of the layout, is the partner to the first card that asks what your partner is bringing to the relationship as well. Perhaps the three of pentacles shows that this person brings creativity and craftsmanship to your relationship, implying a personal connection to creating something and seeing it to fruition.

Love Tarot Card 3

This question, placed in the bottom-left corner of the layout, wonders if you will be happy in this relationship as time goes on. If you see the three of swords, a card that represents manipulation and miscommunication that brings about heartbreak, then it may mean that you will need to really keep open communication with this new relationship, or something you misinterpret can break your heart.

Love Tarot Card 4

In the bottom-right corner of the layout, this card asks if the other person in your relationship will be happy. Much like the third card, you cannot have one member of the party happy while the other one isn't, and since you cannot predict your lover's behaviour, this card is integral.

Love Tarot Card 5

Finally, this fifth card gives you the most vital information for your new relationship: Given the current path, is your relationship likely to last? Remember that this card is transient and really depends on you. If you see a card that leaves you upset, just remember that you have the choice to change the current path you are on.

At Kooma we have a wide range of gifted tarot readers available 24 hours a day. Find out how your love life will evolve. Get a love tarot reading.

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